How we design a beautiful animation

Last week, we rebranded Captain Train app to Trainline. It means we had to change our colors, icons, empty states and … animations to match our new brand. Bye bye green and hello navy and mint!

We had some questions about how we created our new loading animation. Therefore I thought that this blogpost could be useful to my fellow developers. Indeed, I will try to explain how we designed and implemented this animation.

Spoiler: it is fully rendered on device: no video, no gif, just plain old view and vector animations.

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Use GoCD for Android and get rid of Jenkins

As an Android developer, who does not know Jenkins?

Jenkins is the #1 integration server by far. I have been personally using it for 4 years now, i.e. since I started Android development professionally. But sometimes you have to kill your old habits and try something new!

This article is about Go CD, another continuous integration server, with a different and interesting approach. This is not a wizard but rather a description and feedback about my experiments with its key features on Android.

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3 unit tests to avoid bad surprises on Android

On the road of continuous delivery, an essential stop is unit testing. They should be short, quick and reliable. Sometimes they are our only way to see an error and avoid to deliver a bug in production. This article presents 3 unit tests whose goal is to avoid bad surprises by focusing on key aspects of an Android application: Permissions, shared preferences and SQLite database. Check them out and avoid bad surprises on release day !

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DevOps on Android: From one Git push to production

DevOps is a well known movement whose main objective is to automate software delivery. Indeed, DevOps aims at continuous testing, code quality, feature development and easier maintenance releases. Therefore, one of DevOps final goal is for developers to execute fast, reliable and automated release, ideally without any human involved during the process. It is called continuous delivery. I wrote this article to demonstrate that we can now achieve such goal on Android too and to share my thoughts and feedback about it.

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Help developers with custom Lint rules

Last month, I attended a great BarCamp talk at Droidcon Paris from Matthew Compton. It was about writing your own Lint rules. I was really intrigued and wanted to explore a bit more this great subject. Therefore, I came up with this article that aims to share my thoughts and dive into some concrete examples on how to integrate custom rules into your Android project.

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